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Luxury Pen Holder - Klimt Style

SKU: 73809-49
22,30 EUR
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Elegant, handmade stylish accessory to the office or workroom. A stylish gift for those who appreciate quality and originality.

Size: 15 x 6 x 8 cm.

If you love pieces of wood, this product from our workshop is the real nut.

Luxury Pen Holder, painted in the Klimt style, fits perfectly not only in traditionally furnished rooms, but also stands out beautifully in modern apartments and offices. You can use it all year round because the heart is a symbol of love and love is never enough, it is needed everywhere every year and all year round. You will also please your loved ones with this original gift.

Size: 15 x 6 x 8 cm.

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Team Choralis Art

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